Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Birthday

She wasn't sure about the Candle on top of her cake. But she loves cupcakes, or at least the icing on top of the cupcake. That is her favorite part. Messy but good.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Little Red Riding Hood

How can you resist a Little Red Riding Hood . It only took me two days to make her costume. It mainly took a day and a half to make the cape. I kept putting the hood on backward or inside out. After that it didn't take long at all. I used 1/2 a tree skirt for the lining of the cape and hood. The Dress was made without a pattern using the tutorial from http://indietutes.blogspot.com/2007/07/peasant-blouse.html ,she has very easy instructions on make a peasant shirt and all I had to do is make it longer for her a dress, add an apron and put a ruffle on it. Clear as mud. Nor bad considering that it was all made with material on hand. So the cost was Zero.

Using the same tutorial I decided the night before halloween to make her a shirt to wear during the day. I picked up some Candy corn material that day while I was in town for 75% off . So for $ 1.50 she also got a cute shirt to wear. Can't see it but there is a ruffle around the bottom and had to add a ruffle at the cuff, the sleeves weren't long enough the first time. Notice she does a Kimberly smile. You can tell her to smile and she does that fake "Okay I'm smiling but it hurts smile." The only problem was they had to bribe her with getting candy to get her to take her candy corn off and put on her Little Red Riding Hood.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

"I Cut, I Cut !"

What could be more fun than cutting lavender with your granddaughter. I don't know why we always decide to go to these places in the Heat of Summer, But we do. The Lavender Ridge Farms outside of Gainsville, Texas was having a Lavender Festival. I have always loved lavender and decided this was a good chance to get some. I have been known to stop on the side of the road and cut flowers or pick up a rock or anything else that looks interesting. So actually to go somewhere just to cut flower was kind of new to me. Especially to pay to do it. But luckily my hubby was there to actually fork over the cash. For your money, you got to borrow a basket, a pair of scissors and a twisty tie. You could get all you could tie with the twisty. Kinsleys favorite words there was "I Cut, I Cut". Which would have been great, if only she knew how to work the scissors. But between my 2 daughters , my granddaughter and I, we were able to get our bundle. We had a great time and looking forward to our next adventure.