Friday, August 31, 2012

Water park giggles

How did I spend my summer?  Most of it was spent with my Grandkids.  I can't believe how fast the summer went by.  The next few post will be about spending fun,crazy,silly time with my grandkids.  We had more fun than you can even imagine.  A lot of the summer was spent just spending time with each other.  I know they are too young to remember, but i will never forget the fun we had.  When we weren't just hanging around the house, because of the 105*+ days, we got out early and went to play in the water.  We have a mouth dropping,giggling smile splash park, about 2 miles from my house.

                                                   The kids had a Blast.

Andrew and Braeden had a mouth dropping time.  Andrew loved the water, he was right in the big middle of it.  Braeden stayed more around the edge.  He wasn't so sure about the water in his face.  But as you can tell the twins had a great time. 
 Who was there to show them how to do it?   Their fun and crazy cousins Kinsley and Kaitlyn.  The girls had a great time showing them how to do it. It was a blast to watch how they all played together. 
You can tell by the great big giggle smiles how much fun the girls had.  We will be going back there often.  It is one of their favorite places to go, when they get to come down and play with Grandma.