Friday, January 21, 2011

In Memory Of.............

Kinsley, you finally have a Baby Quilt from your Grandma. It was a very easy quilt to make. It was leftover squares from a quilt that my mom had done for someone . All I had to do was sew the squares and stripes together and quilt it. I started machine quilting it and didn't like the look of it. I then took all of that out and hand quilted it. I think it looks a lot nicer that way. Flannel on the back so it is all soft and warm. I love the feel of flannel on the back.

It only took 3 years after making the top to get it quilted. Life got in the way and it got packed away. Starting to quilt again and didn't want to start another one until this one was done.

My plans now are to make one for Kaitlyn and hopefully get it done before she turns one and one each for the twins, Braydon and Andrew who are due in April. I want to start on a twin size for Kinsley after I get the Baby Blankets done. I think I better get busy.